Arawhaanui Hauora - E manaaki ana i tō tātou hāpori -Caring for our community

Tihewa Mauri Ora!
E mihi mahana ana ki ā tātou katoa.
Nau mai, haere mai ki Arawhaanui Hauora.
E manaaki ana i tō tātou hāpori.
“He aha te mea nui?
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata!”
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa!
About Us
Broadway Health Centre; is a Rural GP Practice providing health services to the mid-north area with clinics in Kaikohe, and Waipapa; and more recently to the far-north area with a clinic now set up in Kaitaia. The Kaikohe clinic being the original and main site. Broadway Health is committed to improving health outcomes for Maori and the wider community.
The current directors are Dr. John Robinson, Dr. Taco Kistemaker, Dr. Justine Woodcock, Dr. Josh van Leeuwen, and NP Rijo Joy all of whom make up the core team of doctors providing GP services to the community. Also on staff are long term and short term doctors/locums; nurse practitioners, registered and enrolled nurses, health care assistants, administration, receptionists and call centre representatives.
Jessie Hoskins, CEO, is the driving force responsible for the management of Broadway Health, who maintains strong links with Ministry of Health, Te Taitokerau PHO, Manaia PHO, Te Runanga a Iwi O Ngāpuhi, Te Hauora O Kaikohe and other health providers, community organisations and groups.

Our Mission
Broadway Health and its staff are committed to ensuring all patients irrespective of ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, geographical location, or any other cultural identifier, have equitable access to our health services and care.
Broadway Health acknowledges Te Tiriti o Waitangi as Aotearoa New Zealand's founding document. All recruitment and selection activities reflect our commitment to diversity and inclusion. We actively promote equal employment opportunities and ensure equitable access and engagement for all applicants.

To be a medical center in Northland, New Zealand recognized by its patients, community, professionals and in the social environment as an excellent, responsible, efficient, and competitive organization, committed to the safety and health of people.
Our Vision
We distinguish ourselves by being supportive and inclusive, investing resources in actions to improve health outcomes for Māori and the wider community.